
Technical insanity at its best!

Entries for August, 2006

How to do Nothing at Work

Want to browse the web at work without getting caught? Try out http://www.workfriendly.net/. This site converts any webpage to look like MS Word. It even has a quick “Boss” button to hide your browsing in case you have someone peek into your office or cube. It mainly just strips the images and arranges everything like […]

Midspot Goes Web 2.0!

Look I’m Web 2.0 compliant! Actually I just used this Web 2.0 logo generator. Pretty neat stuff. Now go make your own. VC funding not included. Technorati : cool, generator, logo, new, web 2.0, web2.0

Whats in a Number?

Apparently a lot. I just realized I have had the same cell phone number for about 10 years. That’s almost as long as I’ve had a cell phone. In fact this mobile number is only the second cell phone number I’ve ever had. (220-3021 was the first). What is the big deal? Why would I […]

No Fo0 for You!

I’m getting kinda worried about Fo0 over at forgetfoo.com. His site says he is just taking off a week or two but I find this unusual because I have been reading his site for a couple of years now and don’t remember him ever doing that before. Hope all is well in foo-land… Technorati : […]

Google Turns On WiFi

Today, Google launched a WiFi network in our hometown of Mountain View. Radios hanging on lampposts throughout the city are now broadcasting a “GoogleWiFi” wireless (802.11b/g) signal that brings wireless Internet access to the city’s residents, businesses, and visitors. All anyone needs is a laptop or other wireless-enabled device and a web browser to get […]

Another Annoying Windows’ Behavior

Why is it that every application in Windows has to fight for the foreground like a bunch of little rich spoiled children vying for attention? It drives me nuts. It is the number one thing that I don’t miss, now that I use Linux a majority of the time. I can open windows and go […]

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

I have been recommended this book a million times and have never taken the time to read it, but it is now on my list of books to read yet this year… Technorati : books, effective, habits, people, toread

More on Airport Security

I think everyone should be able to bring whatever they want onto a plane. My reasoning is that there are more “good” people in the world than “bad” people. If my theory is true, September 11th would have never happened because all the “good” people packing guns would have shot the hell out of those […]

New Airline Rules Are Useless

These new airline rules for traveling are absolutely ridiculous. I am actually delaying my vacation plans until the TSA relaxes some of these rules. I do not feel any safer that they are now taking away soda and gel from all passengers. If they ban electronics, a rumor that is going around now, I will […]

Oakland takes the win

I was so glad to see the Raiders defeat the Vikings last night. I know it is only pre-season but maybe that is a sign of things to come this year… Technorati : Oakland, Pre-Season, Raiders, Vikings, football