
Technical insanity at its best!

Entries for October, 2006

Block Office Chatter

Introducting ChatterBlocker, the PC software that uses digital audio technology to mask the sound of speech and other distractions so you can stay focused in any environment. ChatterBlocker does not use noise-cancellation. Instead it masks unwanted conversations with a soothing blend of nature sounds, music and background chatter. The goal is to render speech less […]

Google offers custom search engine

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could easily build a search engine on your blog or website tailored to the topics and areas you know and love the most? You’re not alone if you’d like that — we’ve heard from partners large and small, and users across the web who want access to the Google […]

20 Oddest Jobs

1. Coffin MakerWhat they do: Build customized coffins, ranging from simple pine caskets to bejeweled boxes. 2. Potato Chip InspectorWhat they do: Oversee potato chips on an assembly line and check for overcooked or clumped chips to discard. 3. Wax Figure MakerWhat they do: Mold wax to create figures, often, but not limited to, the […]

Free Photoshop Alternative

Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run Windows. It supports layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. Cool Software (also free!) Technorati Tags: cool, software, free, paint, photoshop, image, editing

Microsoft sticks it to Mac users

For all Mac users that virtualize Windows, expect to pay a premium price for the next version: http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2164 Technorati Tags: apple, virtual, virtualization, windows, parallels, price, cost

Wallpaper Rendezvous

It’s finally done. Phase one of our wallpaper removal project is done. We did about half of the house and with the help of my mom, Donny, and Dusty, I can finally say that most of the “livable” areas of the house are well on their way to being wallpaper free. Hopefully the texture will […]

Kmart’s Black Friday Deals

Looks like the Black Friday sales (the day after Thanksgiving) are leaking out already. Here are Kmart’s Technorati Tags: kmart, black friday, deals, sales

Scobleizer thinks Yellow Pages are outdated

I think he is wrong. I do not envision a day any time soon when everyone uses the internet for everything. It has a long way to go yet. Maybe in Redmond or Silicon Valley, but the truth is here in the plains, never gonna happen. Too many people that don’t care about it. Too […]

25 sound financial rules

1. For return on investment, the best home renovation is to upgrade an old bathroom. Kitchens come in second. 2. It’s worth refinancing your mortgage when you can cut your interest rate by at least one point. 3. Spend no more than 2 1/2 times your income on a home. For a down payment, it’s […]

Darts tonight

We got our second week of darts tonight in Driscoll. Next Friday I will also be DJ’ing the Halloween Party there starting at 9pm. Then the next weekend we leave for Vegas for a week. I have a math test and a ton of side job work to do before then. So much to do […]