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Entries for the ‘news’ Category

Guard wants volunteers for paintball war

Bismarck Tribune – Bismarck News – Guard wants volunteers for paintball war. Our local “brag rag” (aka: The Bismarck Tribune) announced this morning that the National Guard is looking for some paintball war volunteers. This sounds like a lot of fun but I’m guessing there will be hundreds lined up to fill the 20 spots […]

This Bud’s For You, InBev?!

In a surprising move today, Anheuser-Busch decided to sell to European competitor, InBev. Very interesting, almost disturbing how an American icon would sell out so quickly. Team this up with news this weekend that the government is stepping in to help out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the economy seems to be stumbling more […]

Where the Poor Get Richer

A few North Dakotan’s are finding themselves with a lot more money in the bank lately thanks to recent oil booms in North Dakota. In fact many have become what they refer to as “overnight millionaires”, not that you would know it by how they dress or what they drive. We live in a pretty […]

Home Depot Closing

It appears our local Home Depot store is closing. I was wondering how they were making ends meet with the very low amount of customers they seemed to have. Now I guess I know. Liquidation sale is this Saturday at 10 am.

Tax Stimulus Rebate Schedule

If you are wondering when your tax stimulus rebate check (ie: the government check that will go straight to your gas tank for the month) will arrive, look no further. Nickel over at fivecentnickel.com has posted the time lines which show favorable to those that have direct deposit. Here is when they will start sending […]

Gold Prices Through the Roof

Gold crossed 1,000 dollars an ounce today. That blows my mind. I remember just what seems like a few years ago that it was under $400 an ounce. I guess that just shows the sad shape our economy is in. By the way, how do you assign a value to gold, using something (money) which […]

I’m back!

Sorry for the quietness around here lately… I had to take a few days off to move, but now we are getting all settled in at the new place and things are starting to return to normal. BTW Brett Favre through in the towel this morning… Nothing like quitting a 17 year career after throwing […]

Missing ND Lottery Ticket Claimed

Looks like the ticket was turned in, but the winners chose to remain anonymous. A Bismarck man and woman stepped up to the counter at the North Dakota Lottery office on Friday to claim their Powerball prize. Finally. It had been nearly a month since they’d purchased the ticket at a local gas station.After taxes, […]

Verizon to offer Unlimited Plans

Verizon announced that they are going to offer unlimited plans to their users starting February 19th (tomorrow). I always wondered why this wasn’t done years ago. This could be a major influence in areas like ours with only 2 real cel phone competitors. If one offers unlimited minutes and the other does not and you […]

Monte Carlo in Las Vegas on Fire

If you haven’t yet heard, the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas is on fire. Check either FoxNews or CNN for more info… Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…