Tara Hunt lists the Top 10 things Pinko Marketers [regret having] to repeat to some clients:

  1. Viral? You may want to take something for that.
  2. You want to target teenage girls on MySpace? Have you ever been a teenage girl on MySpace?
  3. What do you mean you want to design a social tagging application that my mother could use? My mother socially tags?
  4. Of course you should be concerned about appealing to the mainstream…they care so much about what you are doing.
  5. No, I can’t promise we’ll get you 100,000 users by your VC meeting next week
  6. You want to own all of the data/be the next Google/set the standards/etc., too? What a coincidence!
  7. Yes, that IS considered SPAM.
  8. How about before we start talking about what you ‘could’ be we talk about where you need to be today.
  9. Naw…you are right….Mac users don’t matter…
  10. Yes, you should definitely be targeting the MySpace market – they haven’t had enough attention yet.

Link here

I think this holds true to most clients… It’s amazing some of the things I have been asked over the years.