Chris over on Performancing said that bloggers may be getting undue respect just because they are published. (I paraphrased that so don’t get all anal on me…) Anyway I agree. Lots of times I will see a blogger trying to push content for whatever reason. I have tried not to do this as I want to remain credible, but I really don’t offer any credibility other than my name and picture. This brings me to my next question. Should I post my resume or work experience on my blog? I’ve always refrained away from this as I don’t want to come off as being arrogant but maybe it will make me more credible to those that don’t know me personally. Scoble recently talked about how a resume is no longer needed , and a blog should be your resume. That’s all fine and dandy if you are recognizable, but what if most people don’t know you from the guy/girl next door?