Have you ever noticed that whatever year or decade we are in, we think that we are the most advanced, technologically speaking, of any other previous year or decade. This makes sense because it is true. But what is really amazing is take that line of thinking and apply it to years and decades back.

In the forties, people thought they were the most technologically advanced of any era to precede them. And they were right. Look how many things have happened since then: the Internet, color TV, Wal-Mart, etc. All happened and became mainstream in society since then.

Think back to the turn of the century and look at how many inventions have happened since then. It’s amazing to think about all the stuff that has been invented. A lot of times I think that we have peaked and there is nothing more to invent, and then I realize that many people probably thought the same thing back in 1906.

It really makes me wonder the things yet to come. What will I see yet in my lifetime that will become mainstream that doesn’t even exist yet today?

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