Lately I have been getting questioned as to why I don’t have more technical posts since I am a technical kinda guy. I have always steered away from doing tech pieces because I felt there were plenty of programmers doing just that.

Then they usually reply back, “Well maybe you could do something more on a beginner level.”

Well, maybe I could. I just may start posting some overview type stuff in the future. Not so much beginner stuff but maybe tips and tricks type things for increasing productivity. I still don’t want to go completely to that type of content. I guess I will try to find a good mix that works for me and my readers. I have noticed that the amount of traffic this site is getting is growing and I want to appeal to all readers so I guess I have to round out my content a little more.

I think this should work out because I really enjoy blogging and as you may have noticed the frequency has picked up a little around here. This is mostly because I am starting to identify things in my life that I enjoy and those things that I don’t enjoy so much and have started to do more of those I do and less of those I don’t, which has started to free up some of my time. Not a lot yet, but some. I still have a bunch of lingering projects but my goal is to have all that kinda stuff wrapped up by the end of the year so that I can do more of the things I enjoy, whether they make me money or not.

Now don’t read into this that I am quitting my side business, because I am not. I am just re-aligning the type of work that I will take on. I am starting to get out of the web design and development and focus on hosting and consultation. It just turns out that the hosting and consulting take up much less of my time and bring in the majority of my income. The design and development areas just tie up too much time and end up being un-profitable in the long run.

Please also don’t worry if you are one of my current clients and are reading this. I do not plan on dropping anyone or anything like that. I plan on continuing to offer those services to current clients, just not taking on any new ones. New projects for existing clients maybe, new clients of the design and development nature, probably not.

It has just come to the point in my business that I either have to hire developers and designers full time or re-align my focus. I have chosen the latter based on the amount of profitable work that I get in these areas. The hosting and consultation just makes for a better gig as it is less time consuming and creates recurring income.

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