I might have a very popular blog with only a few thousand or so unique visitors a month, but in that little pool of regulars I’ve found friendships that can last a lifetime.

Because of blogging, my instant messenger contact list grows every month. Because of blogging, my referrals for new clients have increased steadily. Because of blogging, I find answers that Google does not.

Case in point: I had a new venture (not big, but a cool niche) weighing on my mind for a couple of weeks now whether to proceed with or not. I didn’t really have a neutral third party to bounce it off of until I looked through my instant messenger contacts.

Low and behold, I see Rob in the list, (who has probably seen more startups and business plans in his lifetime than most investment bankers).

After a few minutes of discussion I feel a lot better about my plans and I couldn’t have gotten that feeling after shooting the crap with “the guys” at the local pub that have no idea on what I do or how the whole Internet thing works.

Sure I could ask someone “in the business”, but those opinions are usually jaded when it involves something local or where personal opinions/experiences might come into play.

I guess what I’m saying is that it’s nice to have someone you can trust hundreds of miles away to bounce ideas off of all made possible by blogging! Thanks again Rob!

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