
Technical insanity at its best!

Entries for September, 2007

PostSecret, Oh Where Art You?

My typical Sunday morning browsing starts with a stop at PostSecret which is an ongoing artistic effort that posts secrets sent in on postcards by its loyal followers. This morning I was greeted with a “page not found” type error. Hopefully the site will come back cause I really enjoyed the new secrets every week. […]

Bismarck Mandan Linux Users Group

Last night I attended my first meeting with the Bismarck Mandan Linux Users Group (BisManLUG). I have to admit, I didn’t even know we had a local users group until a couple of days ago. Top notch stuff. There was a demo on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet PC that I have been lusting over […]

NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers

Finally a list of highlighted bloggers that deserves recognition. Half of the time, the lists put out to the internet are nothing more than linkbait, but this list seems to be quite good. I can’t say I read ever one, religiously anyway, but I would say I am subscribed to about 90% of them. (The […]

What the Pentecostal church is like for a kid

V, has done it again with an absolutely hilarious account of her church going childhood: During the crisis that was my Mother’s dating life, she became involved with a man named Ron who was extremely religious. Ron was a very devout member of the Pentecostal Church and longed for a family who maintained similar views. […]

Perception of World by Americans

I got a kick out of this: Perception of World by Americans Sad thing is, some people have only this depth of thinking… Technorati Tags: pic, funny, map

Virtualization, not the friend it used to be?

Jon Galloway rips on using virtualized machines as a way to get work done. His point is that we take fast PC’s and make slow machines of yesterday out of them by creating virtualized OS’s inside of/on top of them. In some ways I agree, but in other areas I think he is off base […]

Why do we do this again?

Just saw this post over on Rob’s blog, which makes you sit back and ask yourself, “Why is it again, we all work so hard?“ That really puts things into perspective! Oh, well back to work. I wish I would have read that 10 years ago before I got so entangled in the “process”…