
Technical insanity at its best!

Entries for the ‘work’ Category

What will be in the next 100 years?

Have you ever noticed that whatever year or decade we are in, we think that we are the most advanced, technologically speaking, of any other previous year or decade. This makes sense because it is true. But what is really amazing is take that line of thinking and apply it to years and decades back. […]

How to do Nothing at Work

Want to browse the web at work without getting caught? Try out http://www.workfriendly.net/. This site converts any webpage to look like MS Word. It even has a quick “Boss” button to hide your browsing in case you have someone peek into your office or cube. It mainly just strips the images and arranges everything like […]

The most annoying co-worker personalities

This was sent to me this morning and I thought it was worthy to post… The Borrower: Always takes things from your desk, and you never see them again. The Groper: Always finds a way to put a hand on your shoulder or brush against you in meetings. The Close-talker: If she gets any closer […]